Monday, August 24, 2009

UGH! The vacant storefront "ART?"

With the G20 summit fast approaching, Pittsburgh, and downtown in particular are in "redd up" mode. Part of this process is adding images to vacant storefronts.

Let me start by saying I LOVE the concept. I think it's amazing to use this vacant space in such a positive manner. Instead of displaying unique art, innovative scenes, and beautiful pictures of what makes this city so unique, there are blaring neon wordy advertisements calling unnecessary attention to these vacant storefronts. They convey as overbearing advertisements - a very non-urban adaptation of what people "think" urban living is about. Complaining without solution is tiresome, so... blown up versions of the PDP's Downtown Living Exposed campaign would be awesome for this venue. Pics of shows at the Benedum, pics of people enjoying their street vendor hot dog at Mellon Green, or their Primanti's sandwiches on the Square (pre-construction of course) would all be amazing visuals as well

I freelance write from time to time, and one of the many things I've learned is "show, don't tell." These vacant storefront ads are the epitome of "telling" about Pittsburgh instead of showing. Is something better than nothing in this case?

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