Saturday, April 25, 2009

Beautiful day all the way.

What a fabulous Saturday! I started the morning with a great workout at Verve, and then went to meet kiddo and hubby at Point State Park. Kiddo is a huge fan of running in and out of shrubs, playing in dirt, and tearing up dead leaves, so for him this morning was paradise! Next we headed to MixStirs for a bite to eat and something to drink. Talk about accommodating - They made kiddo an American cheese quesadilla out of wrap bread and let us buy a banana. That was super nice of them, and the little area with the couches is the perfect place for the three of us to hang out and chow.

Spring has finally sprung, as evidenced by the yellow pollen all over our noses from smelling dandelions at the park! The trees are filling in at Katz Plaza, forming that super cool shady hedgerow over the perimeter benches of the park. The dogwood flower petals are almost all gone, and EVERYONE is outside! I don't think it gets any better than this. Now, I must get on finding some spring clothes for kiddo. Jeans are turning into capris and tops are turning into belly shirts. Not and attractive look, I must say. Enjoy the beautiful weather everyone!

Friday, April 24, 2009

1902, change the system! Grilled cheese is easy!

I really enjoy going to 1902 Landmark Tavern in Market Square. If you've never been there, it looks like a quaint neighborhood tavern. The inside has that quaint feel, but it's MUCH larger and more accomodating than the outside leads you to believe. Our food has always been tasty, the waitstaff has been friendly, and they have HIGHCHAIRS! Although there isn't a kids menu, they do offer a grilled three cheese sandwich with tomato and french fries.

Now, I to have one of those picky kiddos who will ONLY eat a grilled cheese if it's the yellow American kind, and it must be melted. Doesn't sound too terribly difficult, considering one of the cheeses offered is American.

BIG sigh! I've had the kiddo there 3 times in the last month, and all three times I ordered a grilled cheese sandwich with no tomato, and only American cheese, specifiying this is the only kind kiddo likes. Not too difficult - omit two of the three cheeses and the tomato. Another BIG sigh! The first time we order this sandwich it was only American cheese, but it had tomato. The second time it was three cheeses, but no tomato. Today, there were still all three cheeses, except some was shredded this time. The waitstaff has always been super kind and apologetic about the situation which is nice, but I'm still paying for a sandwich kiddo won't touch. Today the sandwich was actually taken back to be corrected, and you could see they just tried to scrape the old cheese off because it was still stuck to the bread. Unfortunately this complicates things beyond the meal in question. When this happens, kiddo thinks ALL grilled cheese is icky, and it takes a few days for him to try it again anywhere other than at home.

Based on our very kind waiter, I'm thinking specific requests are entered on a computer where they're not always caught by the cooks. Once I can understand, but three times in month? I'm getting a little tired of it. Add that to our 1 hour 45 minute stay, and the kiddo was a mess! A hungry, tired mess. I will say it was a super nice Friday at lunchtime, so I can see the wait being a part of life.

With all this said, I still enjoy 1902 and will continue to go... but I implore you - READ THE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS!!! So to recap - thumbs up for 1902, BIG thumbs up for the waitstaff, thumbs down for the wait, and thumbs down for the lack of ability to omit ingredients on a grilled cheese sandwich.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Poo in the Park

ICK! I took the kiddo to Point State Park yesterday around lunchtime. It was such a beautiful day, and the kiddo was so excited to be outdoors. There was running through grass, under bridges, and through bushes until the disgusting slip - and fall! I cannot say this enough.


Nothing is more disgusting than wiping dog poo off your kids' arm. Well, I'm sure there are more disgusting things, but that comes pretty close. We have a small dog. We love dogs! We also pick up our dog's poo if he goes in public. Our neighborhood's cleanliness and safety should be top priorities.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our fallen officers

While I was out of town, I was devastated to hear about three Pittsburgh city police officers killed in the line of duty over something as senseless as a domestic disturbance. What is wrong with people? The kiddo and I headed out to Grant Street the day of the precession - a very sobering experience. My condolences go to the officers friends and family, as well as the city. What a needless tragedy.

Just waiting....

for the weather to break! I swear, if I get my hopes up during one more 65 degree day I'm gonna scream!! Sorry for the melodrama. I prepared for the cold when I moved here, and accepted, or embraced it if you will, but I'm ready for a few warm park days.

Either way, it was exciting to see people out and about for the Pirates season opener. Not quite as excited by the cigarettes and drunkenness, but sports gives this place a certain energy and camaraderie I find refreshing. All for one and one for all!