Wednesday, June 23, 2010


WOW! It's amazing how time completely escaped me over the last... well, year! Thanks to a new friend for reminding me how long it's been since I've contributed to my blog. In my defense I've co-created a business with a fellow mom who has since become a great friend... and it has sucked all of our time into some sort of abyss. It's amazingly fulfilling, exciting, mentally and physically draining, rewarding, frustrating... pretty much an emotional and physical roller-coaster. You don't want to get off, but sometimes you need a little break... so lets talk Downtown, shall we?

SO many things are happening in my neighborhood right now!

Market Square is almost complete - YAY for that! With such fun as the Farmers Market, Tuesday Reading Room and Fridays! KidsPlay at Market Square, MS is fast becoming one of my Downtown 'faves. I was sad to see 1902 Tavern close its doors, but with the addition of Mancini's, Prantl's and Las Velas (which has been hit and miss for us lately), I see nothing but great things happening in the Square.

Speaking of the Square, I can't forget the Fifth Avenue corridor; the Market Square Lofts are 100% rented, kiddo has taken a round of swimming lessons at the brand new YMCA, Larrimors has settled into their new home, and the Fairmont is open for business, including Habitat (a restaurant which I've heard has fabulous desserts... I've GOT to try them!) and Andy's (the bar downstairs).

OH! Sharp Edge Bistro opened right down the street from us! Now, I'm not one to get super-excited about beer (I'm more of a martini girl myself), but I had NO IDEA they made fruit flavored beer. The rasberry and strawberry flavors are delicious!!! I'm pretty sure I'm the last person on earth to figure this out. Everyone I've told seems surprised that I didn't already know this. Whatever - it's still exciting to me.

Kiddo is now a whole year older too, and with that comes opinions on where to go and what to do. I guess this would manifest no matter where we lived, but I find it ridiculously entertaining that we MUST go down a particular street because the blocks are set in a hopscotch pattern. We MUST get a cookie or a cupcake from Dozen (complete with knowing the direction to go without any assistance from me). I'm also pretty sure kiddo could get to SW Randals toy store blindfolded! Growing up a suburbanite, I have no frame of reference for this type of childhood. My luck kiddo will grow up and move to a log cabin in the woods!

Anyway, I'm excited to be blogging again, and kiddo and I are looking forward to an exciting summer in my favorite neighborhood! Stay tuned!

Monday, August 24, 2009

UGH! The vacant storefront "ART?"

With the G20 summit fast approaching, Pittsburgh, and downtown in particular are in "redd up" mode. Part of this process is adding images to vacant storefronts.

Let me start by saying I LOVE the concept. I think it's amazing to use this vacant space in such a positive manner. Instead of displaying unique art, innovative scenes, and beautiful pictures of what makes this city so unique, there are blaring neon wordy advertisements calling unnecessary attention to these vacant storefronts. They convey as overbearing advertisements - a very non-urban adaptation of what people "think" urban living is about. Complaining without solution is tiresome, so... blown up versions of the PDP's Downtown Living Exposed campaign would be awesome for this venue. Pics of shows at the Benedum, pics of people enjoying their street vendor hot dog at Mellon Green, or their Primanti's sandwiches on the Square (pre-construction of course) would all be amazing visuals as well

I freelance write from time to time, and one of the many things I've learned is "show, don't tell." These vacant storefront ads are the epitome of "telling" about Pittsburgh instead of showing. Is something better than nothing in this case?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mark your calendars, D'town residents!

October 3rd, Downtown will play host to it's first ever Downtown Neighborhood Block Party! Scheduled from 6-10, the event will feature food, music, drinks and a whole lot of camaraderie. I'm fortunate enough to be included in the major planning of this event, and it's such a great way for Downtown to solidify itself as the great residential community it is. Soon, residents will be able to get their invitation from their building managers? Not a resident and still wanna go? TOUGH! Just kidding! You can come as an honored guest of a d'town neighbor. See, that's why it's always good to know someone that lives Downtown.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Urban Baby Tours

Check this out!

A downtown mom is providing guided stroller tours of Downtown Pittsburgh - so cool! It was just featured on WTAE, Pittsburgh's local ABC station as well as possibly one of the coolest things to do in Downtown Pittsburgh. Tours are only $20 for an hour and a half which doesn't sound bad to me.

I know my way around Downtown like the back of my hand, but when we first moved here it was really confusing thanks to the Cultural District being off-grid from the rest of the city. I attempted to "learn" my way around with my kiddo in tow... let's just say it didn't work very well. Fast forward - once I learned my way around, I found there were so many amazing things to do, see and experience. Now there's a way to have the fun without the learning curve. Parents and kiddos - ENJOY!

Farmers Market at Market Square = My latest obsession

I'm a sucker for routine, and right now I'm obsessed with the Farmers Market at Market Square on Thursdays. I meet a great friend and her two kids, we let them run around at home or at a park, and then we trek with strollers to Market Square to find some of Pittsburgh's tastiest eats.

First stop, Cinco De Mayo for the most amazing salsas. I'm a corn and black bean salad junkie, but I just added a mildly spicy black bean dip to my repertoire. It's literally lunch for two days, and then it's gone. I usually end up buying pie and/or fresh blueberries from Sand Hill, head to Gosia's Pierogies to pick up our weekly Thursday dinner, and the piece de resistance - the Greek couple that sells tastiest Moussaka, Greek lasagna (no idea how to pronounce it), spinach pies and baklava I have ever had! Thank goodness I walk everywhere or I'd be 500 pounds! I know renovations on the Square are starting now, so I'm curious to see how the Farmers Market continues to operate. It runs through December!

We also make sure to stop at Mancini's, where they always give kids a free breadstick. What a fabulous gesture, and good for business too! Thanks to that breadstick I'm now hooked on cinnamon swirl loaves! Thanks kiddo... ugh.

Wow - Where has the time gone?

Time flies when you're having fun, right? I've been busy with all things downtown, so I'll start from the beginning.

I'm currently involved with the planning and execution of Downtown's first Neighborhood Block Party, scheduled for October 3rd from 6 to 10 pm. There will be plenty of food and drink, games, music and fun for the whole family. If you live d'town be sure to get your invite from your building manager... once they're printed and given for distribution. Patience all, they will come! This should be a fabulous event, so mark your calendars!

Between resident council meetings, volunteer meetings, freelance writing, two other business ventures, and let's not forget my KIDDO... the summer has been hectic, productive, and lots of fun. We're enjoying life right now, and the blog took back seat. I'll try to do better, I promise!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

And it continues into the evening...

I love the spontaneity our downtown digs provide. After window shopping at Saks and Macy's, and grabbing some groceries at Right By Nature, I thought it would be fun for the fam to go to Tonic for dinner - because I'm in LOVE with the ahi tuna large plate! Although I was a little disappointed the outdoor seating wasn't set up this evening, some neighbors decided to meet there for an evening of d'town fun, so our impromptu dinner out became a great evening of conversation, food, and friends. Afterwards, we parted ways - us to Crazy Mocha, everyone else to Seviche.

Once at Crazy Mocha, the hub and I enjoyed decaf and biscotti, while kiddo decided this was the perfect venue to practice the stand-up routine. I must say, maybe it's my kiddo (but I can't really imagine that to be true), but everyone we meet d'town is so tolerant - and most often amused by the kiddo's show which I'll liken to a coy, show-and-tell style dance recital. After bidding our audience farewell, we walked back by Seviche for sidewalk conversation, pets, friends, and kids and then walked home to tuck the little one into bed. The hub is kind enough to stay in while I go back out and hang with the adults. It's a great night to live the urban life, my friends.