Sunday, March 29, 2009

Where can you go with a toddler in tow....

to eat? I just wanted to let everyone know about some non-traditional kid friendly places to go eat Downtown. You CAN take your kiddo somewhere other than Max and Erma's. I will say if you're child wants to run around darting in and out of tables screaming at the top of their lungs these wouldn't be the options for you. Our kiddo is tolerable at restaurants. He occasionally throws a crayon off the table, asks to get up, or shrieks once or twice, but he is a toddler folks! They're people, and they're allowed to eat at good restaurants too.

Six Penn Kitchen is one of our favorites for a family night out. It's not terribly quiet, so you don't feel awful if your kid lets out an occasional shriek. Their kids menu has all the kiddo favorites, and I must say their grilled cheese is adult worthy! Unfortunately, if your kid only likes the yellow cheese food you're out of luck - this is the real deal. The kids cups are so sturdy you'll want to take them home! The waitstaff is really good with kids too, and they're very tolerant of spilled water and lots of crumbs. All in all, fabulous.

Although Tonic doesn't have a traditional kids menu, they will make your kiddo grilled cheese or chicken tenders with fries. Granted, the grilled cheese is cheddar on rye, but they'll still do it. They have a very diverse menu, and they also have "small plates" so if your kid likes hummus it works out well. I'm sure you could also get some plain pasta too. It's a little quieter atmosphere, so if you have a screamer be warned. The waitstaff is always great here too, and doesn't make you feel like an ass if your kid is a little loud. Always a plus!

August Henry's and Grille on Seventh is typical American fare, so if your kiddo likes straight up American grilled cheese on white buttery toast this is the place to be. Unfortunately, August Henry's only has one highchair - boo! I recently tried to have lunch there with two friends and their kids but we had to go elsewhere due to the highchair shortage. Grille on Seventh you'll be sitting in their "downstairs" dining room... aka the basement. Once the weather breaks, watch out! Grille on Seventh has outdoor seating on Katz Plaza which is awesome!

Palomino is a little more upscale, great food, and kid friendly! We've only been there once so far, but they had a great kids menu, and crayons. They also brought some sliced grapes and crackers for the kiddo as an appetizer, without being asked, free of charge. Sold!

Sonoma Grille is good for kids too. Unfortunately my kiddo broke out in hives after eating there so we'll be steering clear for awhile. I have other friends with kids who go there often and LOVE it! Definitely a good option.

So, if you're living downtown with your kiddo, or are just trying to figure out where to eat Downtown with your kiddo, consider some of these options. You'll be glad you did.

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

These are great suggestions! I work downtown so sometimes my hubby will pick me up with our little one and we'll grab dinner downtown. We've had good luck with Palomino, but haven't tried the others yet! Thanks!