Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What pissed me off today

ARGH! Our whole family has been going to Salon Christine for haircuts since moving here in April. My son needed a haircut DESPERATELY, so I made an appointment for this morning. He's had his hair cut many times, but he's going through a "fear" phase thanks to an x-ray at Children's Hospital last week (they have to pin toddlers down to do this - NOT fun). I knew once he had his hair cut again the fear would subside, but he was SOOOO upset! My plan was to calm him down and get his hair cut. The owner's plan was to not do it. She pretty much told me she was not going to cut his hair today. I can understand being afraid of a screaming toddler, or even feeling unqualified to cut a toddler's hair, but say so - don't be so rude. I was visibly upset, which didn't seem to phase her. The girl that actually cuts our hair was extremely polite and apologetic. Unfortunately, all my son learned today was 1. He'll get his way with a tantrum, and 2. I have reason to be afraid of haircuts. I brought him home and cut it myself, and it looks good enough. Needless to say our family will not be giving them our business.

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